A super easy recipe for delicious candied clementine peel with cinnamon

After making a batch of clementine jam, I was left with a bunch of clementine peel which looked and smelled great, so I couldn't let it go to waste.
You will need:

400g Clementine Peel
200g caster sugar (plus 100g caster sugar for coating)
1 tsp Cinnamon
1 cup water

How to:
Cut the clementine peels into strips
Place the strips in cold water for 2-3 hours (ideally overnight) , then drain them
In a pan add the water, sugar and peels and bring the pan to a boil
Simmer until all liquid is absorbed
Place the clementine strips on a cooling rack, trying to separate them
Leave them to cool down completely
Coat the strips in sugar (I prefer doing half with cinnamon sugar and half with plain sugar)
Put them back on the cooling rack for 3-4 hours
Use the candied clementine peel for garnishes or enjoy it as it is, a little sweet treat!

They make a great garnish for cocktails and cakes/cupcakes
Chopped up into smaller bits, they make a great addition to muffins, cupcakes and banana bread
They last in an air-tight container for up to a month
Along with clementines you can also use oranges, satsumas and tangerines

If you try this recipe, please let me know in the comments how it went.
I hope life is treating you well.
Take care.